“She is so generous of her heart, time, and care for others. She knows the importance of showing people that they are valued for exactly who they are. She can see the good in people even when they are having a bad day.”

The Marshfield Good Heart Award is celebrating its second year. This award honors a high school senior who spreads unconditional, unwavering, and selfless kindness in the Marshfield community. The Good Heart Award recipient exemplifies traits of generosity, teamwork, compassion, and ethics. This year’s recipient is Lilly VerBerkmoes.
“If you are concerned about the future of our community, country, and world, the student Lilly will give you great hope. Students with her depth of kindness, generosity and creativity are exactly who will become the leaders we need.”
Lilly received three nominations for this award! With the help of Marshfield High School students and staff, we were able to surprise Lilly with this recognition during rehearsal.

Thanks to sponsors such as Marshfield Area Community Foundation, Hub City Times, Events Etc, and Scotty’s Pizza we were able to hold a complimentary dinner for Lilly and 10 of her friends and family at Scotty’s Pizza.

Last year’s recipient, Carter Grove, presented Lilly with the award.

As a part of this award, Lilly was able to choose a local nonprofit to receive $1,000 from the Marshfield Community Foundation. Lilly chose Big Brothers Big Sisters, a nonprofit she has enjoyed being a part of and a Big herself. Dawn Cherek, from Big Brothers Big Sisters, joined us in celebration!

Thank you Scotty’s Pizza for hosting this event! Which is a perfect fit for such an award ceremony, because Scotty Berg spreads kindness and generosity in this community in many ways. Because of this, we wanted to recognize Scotty as well!

We are proud to recognize Lilly, and Scotty, and to continue this wonderful award.